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Civil Engineering Department

The Department of Civil Engineering, which offers a four-year Bachelor of Technology course, was started in 1986 with the primary intention of catering to the vast demand of professionals in the booming construction industry. Today the department has established itself as a premier center of excellence, providing consultancy services and technical assistance to the civil engineering projects and undertakings in Kerala.
The department manages one of the best material testing laboratories in north kerala and is frequently visited by firms like Larson& Toubro, PWD, CPWD,Railways and K.K.Builders to mention a few. It has played an indispensable consultancy role in major projects like the railway double-line projects. Pariyaram Medical college and Kannur Airport project among others. The department also undertakes site surveys in and around Kannur.

Civil Engineering department

The Department of Civil Engineering, which offers a four-year Bachelor of Technology course, was started in 1986 with the primary intention of catering to the vast demand of professionals in the booming construction industry. Today the department has established itself as a premier center of excellence, providing consultancy services and technical assistance to the civil engineering projects and undertakings in Kerala.
The department manages one of the best material testing laboratories in north kerala and is frequently visited by firms like Larson& Toubro, PWD, CPWD,Railways and K.K.Builders to mention a few. It has played an indispensable consultancy role in major projects like the railway double-line projects. Pariyaram Medical college and Kannur Airport project among others. The department also undertakes site surveys in and around Kannur.
The departments with the intention to broaden the subjects base of the students and to provide an opportunity for inter-college faculty interaction, has been conducting a number of short-term courses and similar events on a regular basis.
The department also organizes industrial training at several recognized institutions, with the view of giving hand experience of the industrial atmosphere, to the students.

Exam results




The following guidelines are to be followed for preparing and presenting the seminar.
For preparing the Report

1. Select one topic of your interest.

2. Write an abstract of about 100 words maximum about the topic. Do not copy the
abstract provided in the journal paper. Write the abstract in your own language.

3. List at least two journal references not older than 2006 in the specified format.

4. The title, abstract and reference should be printed in a single page only. Submit to the
staff-in-charge (Rajeevan B.) on or before the dead line (15th September 2008).

5. If the topic is not accepted, resubmit a new topic before the dead line (17th September

6. Prepare a draft version of the report in the specified format and submit a hard copy to
the guide.

7. Incorporate the corrections suggested by the guide.

8. Print and bind three copies (self + library + guide) of the seminar report in A4 size bond
paper (one side only) before the dead line.

9. Get the signature of the guide in all the 3 copies of the seminar report.

10. Submit all the 3 reports to the Staff-in-charge.

For preparing the presentation slides

1. Prepare the slides in PowerPoint (compatible to PowerPoint 97-2003).

2. You will be provided with a desktop PC and LCD projector. Laser pointer or pointing stick
needs to be arranged by the speaker.

3. The maximum number of slides is limited to 20 including the title and thank you slides.

4. Each slide should not contain more than four bulleted entries.

5. Select a suitable background to the slides appropriate to the seminar hall. As a rule of
thumb, select a dark background in a brighter room and vice versa.

6. Select a font of your choice. Not more than two different types of fonts are allowed in a
single slide.

7. The minimum font size is 20 points.

8. If necessary, show the PPT to the guide.

9. Make backup copies of the PPT to avoid data lose.

10. Practice enough before the presentation day.

11. Load the PPT in the computer of the seminar hall in the forenoon of the presentation

12. The total presentation time is 20 minutes. The first 15 minutes is reserved for
presentation; the last 5 minutes is for question and answer session.

Important Dates:

Selection of topic : 15th September 2008

Final selection of topic : 17th September 2008

The first presentation begins on : 4th October 2008 (Saturday)

1) Please see the attached document and get your date of presentation.

2) In case the presentation day happens to be a holiday/harthal/exam day, the
presentation will be automatically conducted on the first coming Saturday.

3) Any report which does not satisfy the format requirement will be rejected. Please
ensure that your report is as per the requirement regarding the font type, size, paper
size, etc.

4) Other presentation aids like models and charts can also be used.

4) Light refreshment may be arranged by the speakers on the presentation day.


Paper: Use A4 size unruled bond paper of 80 GSM minimum. Print only on one side of the

Top – 1”

Bottom- 0.67”

Left – 1.25”

Right – 1.25”


Use Times New Roman 12 point size with double line spacing (27 points). All paragraphs are left

Al pages should be provided with a header of “Seminar Report – 2008” without inverted
commas in italics at the top left. Page number should be provided at the center of the bottom
of each page except the title page.

Use double spacing for regular text.

Use three spacing between section headings.

Use all capital letters for section headings. Use first character capitalized for subsections.

Number sections in 1, 2, 3, . . . and subsections in 1.1, 1.2, …

Page Number:

Use lower case Roman numbers (I, ii, iii, etc.) up to the contents page. Arabic numerals are to
be used for the remaining pages (1, 2, 3 etc).

The cover page of the report should be in the prescribed format.

Figures and Tables

All figures and tables should be properly numbered and captioned. The number and title of the
table should be entered at the top of the table (centred). The figure number and title should be
provided at the bottom of the figure. The table and figure number should be provided in the
same or the following page where it is first referred.


Referenced should be provided in the specified format. The references should be provided in
the form where it is first referred in the text. All references mentioned are to
be used in the report.

There should be at least 5 references, two of which should be journals. At least one journal
should be current (after 2006).


1. For Books
Benjamin, J. R. and Cornell, A., “Probability, statistics and decision for civil engineers”, Mc-Graw
Hill, 1970, pp. 345.

2. For Journals
Das, P. C., “Application of reliability analysis in bridge management”, Journal of Structural
Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 12., No. 6, 2004, pp. 34-35.

3. For Codes
IS 456:2000, “Code of practice for reinforced concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards, 2000.

Koothara Activities

Koothara Question

1)Who is the best koothara of our class?

comment on ur favourite koothara of our class

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